Project Hail Mary Novel by Andy Weir Free Download Pdf

Project Hail Mary Novel by Andy Weir Free Download Pdf

 Project Hail Mary Novel by Andy Weir Free Download Pdf


Originally published: May 4, 2021
Author: Andy Weir
Genres: Science fiction, Apocalyptic fiction
Original language: English
Cover artist: Will Staehle


On a desperate, last-chance mission, Ryland Grace is the only survivor; if he fails, humanity and the entire planet will perish.

Except that he is unaware of that at the moment. He couldn't actually recollect his own name, not to mention the idea of his task or how to finish it.

He only knows that he has been asleep for a long time. Additionally, when he awoke, he discovered that he was millions of miles away from his home and had only two dead bodies as company.

Ryland realizes that he is now faced with an impossible task as his memories blur and his crewmates have passed away. He must solve a scientific mystery and defeat a threat of our species' extinction while hurling through space on this tiny ship.

He must carry out everything on his own, with the time running out and the nearest human being light-years away.

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