It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism Book by Bernie Sanders Free Download Pdf

It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism Book by Bernie Sanders Free Download Pdf

 It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism Book by Bernie Sanders Free Download Pdf


Originally published: February 21, 2023
Author: Bernie Sanders


A progressive critique of the uber-capitalist status quo that has enriched millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the working class and a blueprint for what transformational change would actually look like Senator Bernie Sanders takes on the billionaire class and speaks blunt truths about our nation's failure to address the destructive nature of a system that is fueled by unchecked greed and rigidly committed to prioritizing corporate profits over the needs of ordinary Americans in light of our turbulent times.

Sanders argues that our democracy is being undermined and our planet is being destroyed by unchecked capitalism, which is to blame for an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality. How is it possible for us to accept an economic system that allows three billionaires to control more wealth than the poor? How can we accept a political system in which the extremely wealthy can buy politicians and elections? How can we accept an energy system that rewards corporations that profit from fossil fuels and contribute to the climate crisis? Sanders is of the opinion that the people of the United States of America must, in the face of these overwhelming challenges, demand fundamental economic and political change and pose difficult questions regarding the systems that have failed us. The way forward starts at this point.

It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism offers a vision that goes beyond the promises of previous campaigns to show what would be possible if there was a political revolution, if we finally realized that economic rights are human rights, and if we worked to build a society where everyone has a decent standard of living. This isn't some utopian wishful thinking; This ought to be our understanding of democracy.

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